I want to try making this pancake. Looks delicious and crispy. I always saw this in korean drama or documentary or tv shows something like that where they cook this on the pan and serve them without on plate. Haha i mean they aren't even wait to serve them properly on plate. Just eat when it still hot. Mmm really makes my mouth watering. I would like the one more with red onion. Fully cooked and soft but with crunchy (though not really so for a pancake) layer covered.
It is made by tepung gandum and tepung beras. And then you just add shrimp, chicken, corn, mushroom, sweet potato, asparagus or any combination that you would like. Just anything that suit you taste. And then add in daun bawang and cili merah kalau suka. Taraa. Ala macam buat tempe je. (Tempe ni pancake kosong la. Tempe ke name die?)
Actually i was surveying side dishes that i can make. I want something for snack and i dun want something heavy. I forgot many since i dun practise many.
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